Welcome to The ReaDing Rhinoceros Resources! Happy Reading, Creating, and Exploring! Ray and Deb

Saturday, April 4, 2020

An Ogre Came over for Dinner - Poem of the Day

An Ogre Came over for Dinner by Kenn Nesbitt

An ogre came over for dinner.
He showed up with ice cream and cake.

We thought, “It can’t hurt,

since he brought us dessert,”

so we asked him to join us for steak.

He crushed the first chair that he sat on.
He busted the table in two.

He ranted and raved

and was badly behaved,

like a rhino escaped from the zoo.
He smashed every plate in the kitchen.
He shattered each saucer and cup.

He broke every bowl.

He was out of control

as he ran around tearing things up.
He broke all the beds in our bedrooms.
He even demolished a door.

He cracked all the walls

in the stairways and halls,

and he left several holes in the floor.
And when he was done causing damage,
although we all wanted to scream,

he said, “That was fun

but I really must run.

I hope you enjoy the ice cream.”

Copyright © 2019. All Rights Reserved.


 What is your favorite part of the poem? 

Make a COLLAGE (cut or tear paper and glue it to make a new picture) of the ogre! Give your ogre a NAME!
USE: old magazines (ask before you cut them up!) glue, scissors 

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