Welcome to The ReaDing Rhinoceros Resources! Happy Reading, Creating, and Exploring! Ray and Deb

Wednesday, October 21, 2020

SPUD - Game


Thank you, Dr. Lauren for this post!

This is a game you can play outside... Get some friends or family members, a ball, and GET GOING!

Before Starting

-       Here are some skills you can practice with the other players:  Throwing - any type of ball back and forth, spatial awareness- running around without bumping into other players, and balance- moving without falling over.

-       Equipment:  One ball- preferable a bigger ball like a kick ball

-       Each player needs a different number- the best way to do this is to line everyone up in a row/line and go down the line with player’s being numbered 1, 2, 3, 4, etc. until everyone has a different number. 

-       You can play this game with as many players as you want- the more the better.

Watch this video first... 


How to Play

·       Designate a thrower- the thrower will start the game. With all the players standing close to the thrower, the thrower will throw the ball straight up into the air while yelling out one of the number’s

·       The player whose number was yelled, gets the ball as fast as he or she can  and yells the word “SPUD” as soon as he/she touches/grabs the ball

·       As the ball is being thrown, all the other player’s (whose number wasn’t called) run away from the ball as fast as they can until they hear the word “SPUD”. Once the word SPUD is said, all players stop running and are frozen

·       The student who has the ball may take four steps ( S P U D) towards any other player

·       The SPUD player then rolls or throws the ball at a player ( the frozen player), trying to hit that player below his/her waist

·       The frozen player cannot move his/her feet. As the ball is being rolled or thrown to him/her, he/she can try to catch the ball or move his/her body to avoid the ball

·       If the (frozen) player is hit with the ball, he/she will get a letter starting with S. Subsequently, as rounds are played, if that player is hit again they get a P, then a U, then a D. Once a player gets SPUD they are out of the game

·       If the frozen player catches the ball or if thrower misses the frozen player, the thrower gets a letter

·       The thrower for the next round is whichever student received a letter (S P U or D).  He or she begins the next round by throwing the ball as high as he or she can in the air and shouting a new number

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