Welcome to The ReaDing Rhinoceros Resources! Happy Reading, Creating, and Exploring! Ray and Deb

Wednesday, September 30, 2020

More Egg Crate Animal Heads

More Egg Crate Animal Heads

See the posting for Sept. 22, 2020 (International Rhinoceros Day) to see the video on how to make a rhinoceros head from an egg carton.

ACTIVITY:  Use the same process to make ANY animal you want. Here re some photos of ideas. 

Use your own colors, decorations for clothes and accessories. 

These can be animals from your favorite children's books and movies, or anything you would like.

Let your imagination  take you away!  


Tuesday, September 29, 2020

Artistic Leaves

Artistic Leaves

Watch for stories and activities I share related to fall, like the post on the Read Aloud, Leaves.

Here are some ideas for creating autumn pictures, using markers, paint, bottoms, and old magazines. Move paint with cotton swabs, pieces of a sponge, or even leaves themselves! 

Cut colors from old magazines to glue onto another paper. Use things you find around the house (as your family if you may use them) like old burins or fabric scraps. Use berries or seeds you find outside. 

Have fun and be creative. You can use your pictures to hang on the wall, as greeting cards, or even as placements and wrapping paper.

Create your pictures with your family members or friends. 

You can use this photo as a model, but remember to use YOUR ideas and materials to create your special, unique artwork.

Sunday, September 27, 2020

LEAVES - a read-aloud video



by David Ezra Stein

This book was the winner of an Ezra Jack Keats New Writer Award.

Actor Jason Mark narrates this children’s story.

                                        Published by G.P. Putnam's Sons Books for Young Readers; Illustrated Edition (2010).

As Autumn begins, the leaves fall from many trees. See what happens to the bear in his first experience with falling leaves.

This is part of nature's cycle. Enjoy.


Saturday, September 26, 2020

Flight of the Bumblebee - Music

Flight of The Bumblebee

The read aloud on Sept. 25, 2020 was about bees. Many people are afraid of bees, but without them, we wouldn't have any plants, flowers, vegetables. 

Here is some really cool music called, "Flight of the Bumblebee".  Sit back, listen to the music, and close your eyes. Can you imagine the bumblebee flying around?

The illustration for this post made me think of dancing bumblebees. What do you think?


Nikolai Rimsky-Korsakov

Flight of the Bumblebee

Duration: 1:33
Composed in 1899 (Romantic Period)
Performed by CSR Symphony Orchestra; Anthony Bramall, conductor

ACTIVITY:  Draw a picture of the flight of YOUR bumblebee... Will it find a flower or a juicy fig?

Now dance around to the music!

Friday, September 25, 2020

Please, Please The Bees

Please, Please The Bees

    • Written by: Gerald Kelley     Illustrated by: Gerald Kelley
  • Published by: Albert Whitman & Company 
  • Read by: Rashida Jones.  Suggested grade level: 1st - 3rd
  • Run time: 5 minutes

BROUGHT TO US BY Storylineonline.com. Thank you!

I LOVE Honey - do you? I also love flowers and trees and vegetables and fruit... Did you know that BEES help us have all those wonderful things?

Follow along with this video story to learn more.


ACTIVITY: Paint a picture of something that the bees help you to enjoy...

Maybe you can find the post to make some sidewalk chalk from the BLOG (look for chalk).

Thursday, September 24, 2020

If I ran for President - Read Aloud Video

  In the USA, there will be an election for president, soon. It is NOT a job I would ever want to have. How about you?

This book: Written by: Catherine Stier,   Illustrated by: Lynne Avril Cravath.  Published by: Albert Whitman & Company,   Read by: Lonnie Chavis, Parker Bates and Mackenzie Hancsicsak.  Suggested grade level: 2nd - 3rd

This read along video runs for 8 minutes.  It is brought to you by Storylinenline.com.  We thank them!


Tuesday, September 22, 2020



    VISIT this web page to find out about an endangered                                           animal - The rhinoceros.



Saturday, September 19, 2020

Scrambled Eggs - Cooking Video

Scrambled Eggs - Cooking Video

            Do YOU like Scrambled Eggs???

I woke up very hungry this morning and made myself some scrambled eggs. After I ATE the scrambled eggs, I wondered if my readers knew how to make them. So, here is today's post on making scrambled eggs. 


Now that you have seen the video, as the adults in your house if you could make scrambled eggs for everyone. You can even have scrambled eggs for DINNER!

When you have finished cooking and eating, be sure to help clean up. 


Make a time line, to show the steps of making scrambled eggs. Try to use 5 boxes like this one shown below. 



Write and illustrate your directions. Each box should show the next step. Use as many boxes as you need.


Cut the boxes apart on all lines.


Place the cards face down and mix them up. Try to put the directions in the correct order.


You can do this for your favorite story, too. What happened first, then what? Then the next thing, and so on.




Draw here:








Write here:




Draw here:








Write here:


Draw here:








Write here:


Draw here:








Write here:


Draw here:








Write here:






Draw here:








Write here:


Draw here:








Write here:


Draw here:








Write here:


Friday, September 18, 2020

The Pigeon Has to Go to School - Read Aloud Video

The Pigeon Has to Go to School 

                  Read Aloud  -  Written and illustrated by Mo Willems

Times are certainly different right now. Are YOU going back to school? Are you taking lessons online?

                See how PIGEON deals with HIS school.
Enjoy this read aloud video with family or friends. 


ACTIVITY: Pigeon certainly asks a lot of questions, doesn't he?

Play a game with your family or friends, where you ONLY ask QUESTIONS... You must give your answers in the form of a question, too.


    YOU: Is today Thursday? 

    FRIEND: Can you ask me later?

    YOU: Where will you be later?

    FRIEND: Do you think I will be home?

    YOU: Where else could you will be?

The loser is the one who can't ask another question.   Try it out!

There are other posts you will enjoy about Mo Willems and his stories and drawing on: 3/16/2020, 4/9/2020, and 6/15, 2020.

Don't forget to SHARE THIS BLOG with others, too!

Thursday, September 17, 2020

Backyard Bowling

Backyard Bowling Game

      Thank you, Dr. Lauren at VSU for this post!

In the game of backyard bowling, you will need a backyard bowling set. If you do not have one, you can improvise with your own pins and balls. 

How to make Pins - this is also a creative art project you can do with your friends and family!!!


Equipment - smooth flat surface, a ball (this can be a tennis ball, golf ball, bouncy ball, lacrosse ball, or any ball that will roll), pins (these can be made from empty soda cans, empty bottles, as shown in the YouTube video, or any type of equipment that will fall down when it is hit). 

You will also need to tape out or draw with chalk an out of bounds area. You can use the side of a driveway or grass as well.

Set up:
 In a typical bowling game, the pins are set up in a pyramid. However for this game, you can choose to set your pins however you want. 

After your pins are set up, you will need to plan how far back you will be to roll your ball to the pins, usually the length of a driveway is great start. 

Rules:  Players will bowl, roll one ball at a time on the ground, toward the pins, trying to knock down as many pins as possible. A player gets 2 tries in that frame. 

After 2 balls have been rolled, that player will keep track of their knocked down pin count for that frame. Another player will then set up the pins. After the pins are setup again, it is someone else’s time to bowl. 

A real bowling game is 10 frames, however, in backyard bowling you can choose however many frames you want to bowl for that game. 

If a ball is rolled out of bounds, this is considered being rolled in the gutters, and no pins will be awarded for that roll. 

Once a bowling game has ended, reset the pins with more or fewer pins and with different types of balls. You can also move the rolling surface further back or closer to the pins. 

You can choose to bowl for fun and not keep track of score at all.

In general, can keep track of how many pins were knocked down per each frame per person.

If you are a math person, you can double the pins knocked down for the first roll and add that to the pins knocked down for the second roll. For example, if a person on the first roll knocked down 5 pins, that person would have 10 points. For that person’s second roll, he or she knocked down 1 pin, then he/she would have 1 point. For that frame, that person would have a score of 11 points. 10 (the first roll doubled) +1 (the 2nd roll) =11 pins/points.

Have fun and enjoy bowling and making your pins!!!! 

Wednesday, September 16, 2020

Curious George Goes Bowling - Read Aloud Video

Curious George Goes Bowling - Read Aloud Video

Have you ever been bowling? You can make your own bowling set from things you have around the house. See the next posting for how to do that. 

Invite your friend over or share this read aloud with your family. Then you can try out your own set in your yard or playground.

Tuesday, September 15, 2020

4 Square Game

4 Square Game

Thanks to Dr. Lauren at VSU for this post

Here's a video to watch:   https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vouETUcTv6o


Bouncy balls (tennis balls will work too, but it make the game         more difficult)

You will need to draw 4 connecting squares on the ground- chalk is the easiest tool to use for this but you can use tape as well. 

You will need at least 4 people- 4 people play at a time with everyone else waiting in line for their turn, when a person is out


·       The Server, known as the King, will start behind the service line (the line in the back of the square). He or she must have one foot behind the service line when starting. 

·       A person can only hit UNDERHAND

·       The ball must bounce once, before a person can hit the ball again

·        If a player makes a mistake* that person goes to the back of the line

    • If a ball lands on an inside line it is out. If a ball lands on an outside line it is in. (Outside lines are the lines around the 4 square game board. Inside lines are in the middle of the 4 square game board)

·       A player is allowed to move anywhere he/she wants to in order to hit the ball 

·       If the ball bounces in your square you MUST hit it

·       Once a point is played, the player who made a mistake* is out. He/she leaves the 4 square game and goes to back of the line, where everyone else is waiting. Another player comes in and the game begins again. 

* Mistakes are…

·       If the ball bounces in your square more than once ie 2 or 3 times and/or you hit the ball before it bounces

·       A player hits the ball out of bounds, outside the 4 square squares

·       A player hits an inside line

·       A player hits the ball overhand

·       A player hits another player’s ball

·       A ball bounces in the square you are in and you are unable to get to the ball  before it bounces again.

You can play this game as many times as you want.

Enjoy with your friends and family!!!

Monday, September 14, 2020

Butterfly Snack Packs

Butterfly Snack Packs

How fun would it be to find this in your backpack?

You can make Butterfly Snack Packs with any treat in your house. 

You need a plastic sandwich bag, a clothes pin (that you will decorate), a pipe cleaner, and some small food items like nuts, raising, candies, crackers, or fruits and vegetables. 

Use the photo to help you design some super fun snacks.

Hide one in the desk or backpack of your friend or family member as a SURPRISE!

Sunday, September 13, 2020

Book Marks

Book Marks

I LOVE to read, as you can probably tell from all the posts about favorite books. 
BUT, I don't like when I put the book down, or fall asleep, then I can't find where I left off.

I like to make bookmarks.

I made some from metal, for my friends in the Selva group in Italy. I used green, white and orange beads, that are their colors. 

But THESE are so easy. You can use pictures from magazines or old greeting cards (glue to cardboard to make the picture strong) or foam, like these. You can also use cut our forms you can find for sale in the dollar stores. 

You will also need a popsicle stick (you can get those in the dollar store, too, or use one from a treat you ate!).

Here are some inspirations. 


Saturday, September 12, 2020

Stone Soup - Read Aloud Video

Stone Soup - Read Aloud Video

written and illustrated by Jon J Muth

Can you really get soup made from a stone?

See what happens...


ACTIVITY: What would YOU want to put into YOUR stone soup? Ask your family to help you make soup. 

Some suggestions are: 

Beef, chicken, or vegetable broth






rice or noodles... 


Friday, September 11, 2020

Stones as Decorations

Stones as  Decorations
How can stones be used as decoration? Look at the previous post for painting stones to make paperweights or other gifts. 
Ask your family to same some cans from food. Be sure there are no sharp edges, and wash  them out carefully. You can paint them (if you can) or leave them shiny silver color.

Then decorate stones you find outside using these pictures as an example. You can make ANYTHING you can imagine

These also make great gifts for friends and family.

Thursday, September 10, 2020

Decorative Stones and Pebbles

Decorative Stones and Pebbles

There are SO many things you can do with common, everyday stones and pebbles. Here are some ideas.

They can be used as paperweights, gifts, picture frames, statues, your marker for Hop Scotch (see posting from 9/2/2020 for how to play Hop Scotch), sculptures, and so on.

I found some flat ones, and made myself a TIC-TAC-TOE SET that look like Ladybugs (I will make that a post, too).

The next time you go outside, pick up some pebbles. Here are some ideas on decorating them when you get home. You can paint them ANYWAY you want.

I suggest you use acrylic paint, so it won't wash off your rock.

Paint your design and let the stone dry overnight. 

These make great gifts for family and friends. 

See future posts about using stones!    Have fun!!