Welcome to The ReaDing Rhinoceros Resources! Happy Reading, Creating, and Exploring! Ray and Deb

Friday, November 13, 2020

Fruit Salad Game

Fruit Salad GAME

Thanks to Dr. Lauren at 
Valdosta State University for this posting.

You need some players and some space...
Watch this video to get an idea on how to play.


Activity You can play this game with as many people as you want.

First, arrange a circle of chairs. You will need one chair fewer than the total number of people playing. 

For example, if 5 people are playing, there should be 4 chairs.

Each person will be seated in a chair, except for the ‘in’ player. 


  Choose one person to be 'in'. This person will stand in the middle of the circle.

   Players will be split into 3 groups of fruit. The ‘in’ player will go around the circle and name each person either apple, orange or banana.


If the ‘in’ player calls out bananas (for example), every player who is banana must get up as quickly as he /she can and change places with another banana player.

Players who are not bananas stay seated.

All players, including the ‘in’ player, tries to sit in an empty chair. The player who cannot find an empty chair is the 'in' player for the next round.

The ‘in’ player can also call 'fruit salad'. When ‘fruit salad’ is called everyone has to get up and change spots, and sit in a different chair. The player who cannot find a chair is ‘in’ for the next round. 

The game is finished whenever players get tired of playing.


Thursday, November 5, 2020

Carla's Sandwich - Read Aloud Video


Carla's Sandwich - Read Aloud Video

  • Written by: Debbie Herman
  • Illustrated by: Sheila Bailey
  • Published by: Flashlight Press
  • Read by: Allison Janney
  • Suggested grade level: 2nd - 3rd
  • Run time: 11 minutes

THANKS to the Screen Actor's Guild for this great read aloud by actress Allison Janney

I absolutely LOVE sandwiches... Do YOU???

Here's a story to listen to and read aloud with about Carla and her sandwich.


ACTIVITY:  This is a perfect story to read just before lunch or dinner. MAKE your favorite sandwich... Maybe you can share it with your friends and family! 

Remember to WASH YOUR HANDS first, and then be sure to clean up.

Wednesday, November 4, 2020

 Popcorn Poems

Yesterday's post was about the history of popcorn, facts and pictures and a read aloud. 

Today, think about the way popcorn looks, smells, feels, tastes, and SOUNDS when it is being popped!

Poetry is a way to play with words and sounds to describe something. THESE poems are about, you guessed it: POPCORN

Love the Look of Words

by Maya Angelou

Popcorn leaps, popping from the floor of a
hot black skillet and into my mouth.
Black words leap, snapping from the white page.
Rushing into my eyes.
Sliding into my brain which
gobbles them the way my tongue
and teeth chomp
the buttered popcorn.
When I have stopped reading,
ideas from the words stay
stuck in my mind,
like the sweet smell of butter
my fingers
long after the popcorn is finished.
I love the book and the look of words
the weight of ideas
that popped into my mind.
I love the tracks of
new thinking in my mind.

And here's one to make you move like you are popcorn!


by Evaleen Stein

Pop! Pop!–Poppetty-pop!
Shake and rattle and rattle and shake
The golden grains as they bounce and break
To fluffy puffiness–Poppetty-pop!
Bursting and banging the popper’s top!
Pop! Pop!

Think of popcorn and make up your own poem or song or dance. Have fun with your friends and family.


Tuesday, November 3, 2020



written an illustrated by Tomie de Paola

read by Chris Swanson

Tomie dePaola had a HUGE popcorn machine at his studio in New Hampshire. He loved popcorn enough to write and illustrate this book!

Here's a read aloud about a favorite snack: POPCORN.



After you read along and learn lots of things about popcorn, gather your friends and family to make some!

Before you do, have an adult put some kernels in a bag to jar and take turns trying to estimate how many there are. 

Then ask the adult to pop them for you and enjoy your snack together.

HOW many kernels were there? Who was closest? 

What makes the kernels pop? 

What was your favorite fact about popcorn?

Drawing Dots with Author, Peter Reynolds

What Can you do with a Dot? 
Drawing Dots with Author /Illustrator, Peter Reynolds

Author and Illustrator, Peter Reynolds, shows us how to make a simple dot something else.  

See the post of his book, called simply, The Dot  (that I posted to this blog on June 27, 2020).

You Need: 

Paper (even the bag of old envelopes)

Pencil or colored pencils


Watercolor paint (not necessary)

Watch the video here, and draw or paint along with Peter.  


Don't forget to clean up!

Monday, November 2, 2020

Blob Tag - GAME

 Blob Tag - GAME


Thanks to Dr. Lauren at VSU for this post!

In this game, 2 players start as the taggers – they are IT or the BLOB. The IT players must hold hands. As they are holding hands they then chase the other players, trying to tag them. When the BLOB tags players that person/people become part of the BLOB. The game can be played until all the players are part of the BLOB. Make sure you have a designated area where players cannot run out of. If a player runs out of the designated space they are part of the BLOB. 

Sunday, November 1, 2020

Bottle Cap Creations

 Bottle Cap Creations

Here are some ideas of ways you can reuse old bottle caps to make something fun and creative... I also use a marker to write letters inside. Then you can spell words with them as a game.

But I liked these creative photos, so I am sharing them with you.

You will need:

old bottle caps. (wash them first)

glue (a strong one)


Use the photos to spark your own ideas.

Saturday, October 31, 2020

Zombies Don't Eat Veggies! - Read Aloud Video

Zombies Don't Eat Veggies! 

  • Illustrated by: Jorge Lacera
  • Published by: Children's Book Press
  • Read by: Jaime Camil
  • Suggested grade level: K - 3rd
  • Run time: 8 minutes


  • THANKS to Storyline Online.net.

  • ACTIVITY:  VEGGIES for your Zombie
  • What veggies would you share with Mo? 
  • Create a veggie recipe for your friends. Enjoy a veggie snack together

Friday, October 30, 2020

Tic Tac Toe Game

 YOU can make an easy TicTac Toe Game for seasons, themes, or just plain...

BUT, you need to be strategic in your playing...

HAVE fun. Pay attention to your opponent.

You need: One other person to play

ANY craft materials, old envelopes, paper, marker, stones, magazine cutouts, etc. YOUR IMAGINATION will make this great...

You will need 2 sets of 5 similar objects (even bottle caps - 5 blue, 5 white). 

You need to make a grid like the ones shown here to make 9 boxes.

The object of the game is to be there first player to get three of your markers in a row, column, or diagonal.

You can design boards and markers for different holidays or things you like...

Here's a set I made from a small board and flat stones I found.

Thursday, October 29, 2020

Where the Wild Things Are - Read Aloud Video

Where the Wild Things Are - Read Aloud Video

 Written and illustrated by Maurice Sendak

Provided by Reading is Fundamental

This is definitively one of my FAVORITE books.


What would Max do to tame YOUR Wild Things?  

Create your own Wild Thing Dance... Share with your friends and family.

Wednesday, October 28, 2020




There are various ways to play tag. Below are just a few examples. 

Tag can be played without any equipment or with minimal equipment such as a pool noodle. 

You need at least 2 players to play tag. 

In this tag game there is no "It". All the players can be the taggers and or be tagged. When a player is tagged, he or she puts his/her hand on the area where he/she was tagged. This is called the "Band-Aid." He/she can keep playing tag. He or she must now use his/her other hand to tag others. If he/she gets tagged again, he/she will have to use his/her hand as a second “Band-Aid”. He or she is allowed to keep playing. If that player gets tagged a third time, he/she needs to go to the "hospital". The “hospital” is a designated area near play. Once there, he/she can wait for predetermined time, such as 2 minutes, to heal his/her wounds, and then return to the game.

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qT5msWW3Wts- general clip

Tuesday, October 27, 2020

Make Faces - a Craft Game

Make Faces - a Craft Game

You need:

Skin-toned paper

a cardboard of have paper for the background



Crayons or markers



For this game you can make as many expressions as you can imagine. 

First, cut a head and neck like the picture above, filling the WHOLE sheet of paper

        If you want, you can draw hair or glue yarn to make hair, but that is not necessary.

In the same skin-tone paper, fold in half the long way, then fold the short way and then fold the short way again, to make 8 rectangle boxes.

Cut those boxes apart. You will need to do this for 2-3 septs of paper.

In several boxes, draw different kinds of mounts, that show different expressions: For example, a BIG cheerful smile, in another rectangle draw a big mouth showing missing teeth, or even one with a tongue sticking out. Make the mouths as big as the rectangle boxes. 

In several other rectangle boxes, Make eyes and eyebrows (see above) to show different feelings.

Mix and math your eyes and mouths to make your character show different (and funny) expressions. 

Play with a friend. 

Monday, October 26, 2020

Grandpa's Stories - Read Aloud Video

Grandpa's Stories - A Book of Remembering

by Joseph Coeltho and Allison Colpoy

                - Read Aloud Video

October 26th is the day MY dad was born. He is a grandfather, too, so I thought this was a good story to share with you.


ACTIVITY: What memories do you have with your grandpa or a special man in your life? Draw a picture and write some words about what you drew. 

Sunday, October 25, 2020

The Rainbow Fish - Read Aloud Video

 The Rainbow Fish 

-       Read Aloud Video

written and illustrated by Marcus Pfister and read by Ernest Borgnine.

    GO UNDER THE SEA IN THIS COLORFUL STORY VIDEO                                                                                  ABOUT A SELFISH FISH.


ACTIVITY: Make some of Rainbow Fish's new friends

You Need:  colored paper (you can use pages from an old magazine, gift wrap)

     Glue or a glue stick    A pencil         Scissors        A paper  background paper to glue your fish onto

Cut out different size circles. Fold the circles in half. Cut on the fold and mix and match your colors to make a fish. Use this picture to guide you. 

Be creative and use different colors.  Make special scales.

Glue your fish onto the background paper. Don't forget to write your name and the date!

Saturday, October 24, 2020

Drop the Linguini - TAG GAME

Drop the Linguini - TAG GAME

Thanks to Dr. Lauren at VSU for this post!

You need:

LOTS of people

A Pool Noodle - called a Linguini

Divide your players into thirds.  One of the 1/3rd players will each need a foam pool noodle or something like it. These foam noodles are called the linguini. The rest of the players, the players who do not have a foam noodle, chase the players who have foam noodles. When the player’s tag a person with the foam noodle, that person yells "Drop the linguini!" The tagged player must drop their foam noodle. The tagger, the person who tagged them, picks up the foam noodle and then becomes the target for the other players. 

Friday, October 23, 2020

Leap Frog Game


To play this game, you need at least ONE other person. 

You will hunch down on the floor or ground. The other person will get behind you in the same position. If there are more players, they will line up the same way.

The person furthest away from you (last in the line), will jump up (like a frog), and jump over the person directly in front of her or him. They they will do the same until she or he gets to the front of the line. Then the next person has a turn.

Watch this short video to get the idea.


LEAP like a frog!!! See the story about real frogs posted on 10/22/2020.

Thursday, October 22, 2020

Library Lion - Read Aloud Video

Library Lion - read aloud video 

  • Written by: Michelle Knudsen
  • Illustrated by: Kevin Hawkes
  • Published by: Candlewick
  • Read by: Mindy Sterling
  • Suggested grade level: K - 2nd
  • Run time: 12 minutes
Enjoy this ROARING good story, shared by StorylineOnline.net

ACTIVITY: What do YOU think would be some advantages (good things) to having a lion around your house? 

Paint 3 picture and use very descriptive words to tell about your thoughts. put your pictures together to make a book to share with your family and friends. 

Be sure to put your name as the author and illustrator, and the date you make the book!

Frogs - Read Aloud Video

  Frogs - Read Aloud Video - 

Written and Illustrated by Gail Gibbons

You can learn about REAL frogs with this read aloud video. 


ACTIVITY:    Let's Draw a Frog - You need: paper,  a pencil

Follow each step shown here and add to your frog. 


The next post will show you a game about frogs!

Wednesday, October 21, 2020

SPUD - Game


Thank you, Dr. Lauren for this post!

This is a game you can play outside... Get some friends or family members, a ball, and GET GOING!

Before Starting

-       Here are some skills you can practice with the other players:  Throwing - any type of ball back and forth, spatial awareness- running around without bumping into other players, and balance- moving without falling over.

-       Equipment:  One ball- preferable a bigger ball like a kick ball

-       Each player needs a different number- the best way to do this is to line everyone up in a row/line and go down the line with player’s being numbered 1, 2, 3, 4, etc. until everyone has a different number. 

-       You can play this game with as many players as you want- the more the better.

Watch this video first... 


How to Play

·       Designate a thrower- the thrower will start the game. With all the players standing close to the thrower, the thrower will throw the ball straight up into the air while yelling out one of the number’s

·       The player whose number was yelled, gets the ball as fast as he or she can  and yells the word “SPUD” as soon as he/she touches/grabs the ball

·       As the ball is being thrown, all the other player’s (whose number wasn’t called) run away from the ball as fast as they can until they hear the word “SPUD”. Once the word SPUD is said, all players stop running and are frozen

·       The student who has the ball may take four steps ( S P U D) towards any other player

·       The SPUD player then rolls or throws the ball at a player ( the frozen player), trying to hit that player below his/her waist

·       The frozen player cannot move his/her feet. As the ball is being rolled or thrown to him/her, he/she can try to catch the ball or move his/her body to avoid the ball

·       If the (frozen) player is hit with the ball, he/she will get a letter starting with S. Subsequently, as rounds are played, if that player is hit again they get a P, then a U, then a D. Once a player gets SPUD they are out of the game

·       If the frozen player catches the ball or if thrower misses the frozen player, the thrower gets a letter

·       The thrower for the next round is whichever student received a letter (S P U or D).  He or she begins the next round by throwing the ball as high as he or she can in the air and shouting a new number

Tuesday, October 20, 2020

Everyone's It Tag - GAME




In this game, everyone is "It", therefore, everyone is trying to tag everyone else. Players must keep track of how many players they tag throughout the game. After a certain time, time is up and the player who tagged the most player’s is the winner. Make sure you have a designated time prior to playing. This game can be very tiring. 

Monday, October 19, 2020

Paper Folding - Art

Paper Folding - Art 

Here is a TOTALLY free discovery post... 

Get some different colored papers, you can even use pages from a magazine (ask your family for permission to use the magazines, first), get some scissors, and use the illustration to see if YOU can cut and fold your paper like the images.

THEN think about what you can DO with the folded paper. 

Do you see a FAN?

A bug?


Use your imagination and have FUN.

Be sure to clean up any mess you make.

Sunday, October 18, 2020



YOU can make your own word search puzzles. 

Use the link below to make your puzzle. 

Think about something you know at least 10 words about.

Make a list of those words. Be sure to spell every word correctly and to type each word in carefully.

Share with your friends and family. 

See how many words they can find.

Have fun!

Saturday, October 17, 2020

Kick the Can - Game

 Kick the Can - GAME

You can learn how to play this game by watching this video.

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4TdcrkirZMM (Playing for fun with your friends and family) 



-       Anything that can be kicked- a can or bucket are ideal

-       Also you need a home base- this will be where everyone gathers. It can be anywhere or any item. 

-       A playing surface with hiding areas- a backyard or playground are perfect

-       A place for jail- this is where players will wait if and when they are captured


            As many as you want. You need a minimum of 3


-       Choose a person to be IT 

-       Choose a home base


-       The person who is IT kicks the can/bucket as far as he/she wants

-       As the can/bucket rolls ( after the kick), payers scatter around the playing surface to find hiding places 

-       The IT player chases after the can/bucket and brings the can/bucket back to home base (which was designated before playing began)

-       Once the can/bucket is are home base, the IT player counts to a certain number with his/her eyes closed. This number can be anything but it is best if it is from 10-100

-       When IT opens his/her eyes, he/she starts searching for the other players around the playing surface

-       IT calls out the player’s name when he/she finds a player

-       If the player who was hiding can kick over the can/bucket before the IT player does, he/she is safe

-       If the IT player makes it to the can/bucket first, the player who was hiding must wait in “jail” 


-       Jailed player/s can get out of jail if another player risks his/her capture to save them

-       The jailed players are free and able to play in the game again if a player can kick over the can/bucket and then call out "HOME FREE" without the IT player getting him/her

-       The game is played until all the players are in jail

-       The player who was first caught will be IT for the next game

-       If the game is too long and you want to change up the IT player, the first person who was caught twice will become IT for a new game